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I bought 13 by 19 paper

Why do I do this to myself? Start and end every day with an existential crisis. BTW, I'm singing this in the library as I write it. I am so ready to be done with stress, but also am a little afraid to lose all the skills I've been working on this semester. Also super scared, because if I get a single other A I keep my scholarships, but if my grades stay the same I lose a lot of them. Terrifying, gonna try not to cry myself to sleep, because it makes for weird dreams. Printing is still a pain.

Quote of the Day #22:

"I'll be okay" I'll Be Okay, Nothing More. It's true. Everything is fine, and the world will keep turning even if I get set on fire or something. That's a little dark, and I'm a little happier than I was yesterday, despite objectively being in a worse situation grade wise. I don't get me, and I don't get how other people could get me.

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